Health Benefits of Noni juice Drink

Health Benefits of Noni juice: His section starts with some background to the health benefits of noni. I talk about traditional uses and modern research. Finally, you'll find links to conditions that seem to respond well to this plant.
It is also called "Indian mulberry." Scientifically, it is Morinda citrifolia, a member of the Rubiaceae, or coffee family. It grows as a small tree or shrub. It is interesting, in that it flowers and fruits throughout the year. Each shrub can bear fruit of all ages.

If any fruit juice deserves the name super juice it is this one! Its ingredients and use have both been widely researched (but do take a look at the general section on research, too).
We know a lot of valuable information about its benefits. Export of this plant from Tahiti (for use in health products) is now more important to that country’s economy than the export of its famous black pearls!

It originally grew in an area from SE Asia to Australia. The Polynesians introduced it into Hawaii, and it is also found in India and the Caribbean. It has a long history as a medicine, having been referred to thousands of years ago in ancient Indian texts.

All parts of the plant have medicinal uses, but the fruit is particularly favored for producing a rich mixture of nutrients that have a wide range of health benefits.

Dr. Neil Solomon MD Ph.D. has carried out detailed work on the noni plant since 1997. He has researched the ingredients of noni. He has also studied how people use it and what they use it for. His work is published in two books that I recommend to anyone who wants to know more. You can also read more about Dr. Solomon’s work and his biography in the research section.

Noni Juice – How much, How Often, For What (Direct Source Publishing, 2004) is now in its third edition. It contains the results of his surveys of more than 25,000 noni juice drinkers … in an easily digested form! It contains many stories from individuals who have experienced benefit from taking the juice.

The information on noni on this site owes a tremendous amount to Dr.Solomon, and the work he has done over the past ten years.

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What is the basis of the health benefits of noni juice?

The benefits are almost certainly due to its role as a natural nutritional supplement. The plant naturally concentrates small quantities of a very large number of substances. Precise mechanisms are unknown in many cases. It appears - as is the case for many natural supplements - that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. The mixture of about 150 'nutraceuticals' or 'micronutrients' together have a potency that none would have in isolation.

I also provide information about its (excellent) safety record and point to some cautions and reports of adverse effects.

Health Benefits of Noni Juice - Traditional and Modern

The following are the traditional uses of noni: 

  • Digestive system: intestinal parasites, diarrhea, indigestion, stomach ulcers
  • Skeletal system: arthritis, broken bones, sprains
  • Skin: wounds, boils, abscesses
  • Systemic conditions: high blood pressure, diabetes, fever
  • Male genitourinary system: kidney infections, bladder infections, prostate problems
  • Female genito-urinary system: pregnancy and childbirth, menstrual cramps, regulates menstruation
  • Infections: of eyes, of gums (gingivitis), toothache
  • Respiratory; coughs and colds, sore throats, asthma, tuberculosis

According to Dr. Solomon's extensive survey, people with the following conditions have benefited from drinking this nutritional supplement:

  • Arthritis
  • Muscle aches
  • Loss of energy (increased sense of well-being)
  • Allergies
  • Depression, memory and difficult concentration
  • Multiple Sclerosis (small sample size compared to others)
  • High blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke
  • Acute and chronic pain
  • Obesity
  • Smoking and addictions
  • Recovery from training and muscle development
  • Improved libido

As this site develops, I will research these benefits and present evidence from surveys and individual case studies.

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